Thursday, November 01, 2007

Recovering well...

Ezzy is recovering well and we are can read more here if you are interested...thanks for your prayers, God is good!


Ivey's Mom said...

It is great that Ezzy did so well with his surgery. So the chucky monkey is gaining some weight? Great! Ivey does have a feeding pump. She does not eat orally - YeT. So a pump is the only way she has truly maintained herself. She has three bolus feeds a day and a 10 hour continual at night. She is now a whopping 14.6 lb. She has a speech therapist who comes to our home once a week. Ivey plugs away at 'feeding', but it is slower than a snails pace.

Ivey pulled her mickey button out last night, so she spent halloween night at the children's hospital. Our doc has not given us the go ahead for anything but formula. I think it is great how well he is doing with his feeds. I don't know if you just got the pump or not, but I have found that it is sometimes hard to carry that bag around while trying to manage the rest of your children. When you are in a restuant or store, it is easier to pull the formula up in a syringe and push it in gradually.

He looks like he has a grin on his face while his dad is holding him.
Give Ezzy our love-
gwen and ivey

Sheri said...

I just stumbled across your blog and have been so touched and encouraged by what the Lord is doing in your family. Wow! You are a light on a hill and shining for Jesus!

Thank you for your example of being joyful and steadfast. May the Lord richly bless your family during this Thanksgiving season!