Even now as I write, I am sitting in bed, by orders of my wonderful husband. I am in the last week of my 6th pregnancy and am needing to take it easy....something hard for me, but needed right now. I am so very thankful for the amazing help from my husband as he "mans the ship" and allows me to rest. So, with this gift of stillness, I decided to write...here we go.
I was glancing through the past posts on here and was amazed at how much the children have changed!! Time just marches on and one day turns into another, the children maturing, growing and changing all the while. I marvel at how fast it happens and even though I tell myself that these days, this season of "baby land" will soon pass...I am never ready for how quickly it truly does.
Just yesterday we celebrated Eliana's 7th birthday. She is becoming a lovely young lady, showing beautiful signs of loving the Lord and desiring to serve Him with her life. I am honored to be her mother and am daily reminded that she is a gift to our family. I am blessed.
Christmas time was a wonderful celebration with family. Both Edwin and I have been humbled to watch in amazement with the way God answered the desires of our hearts in specific and certain ways. God truly does desire to bless us and grant us even the small desires of our hearts. We enjoyed a fun time with our children in being able to gift them with some special things. I love to see thier faces as we re-read the wonderful story of how our Savior was born, watching Owen start to understand is a gift in itself.
Edwin has resumed his travling sub-contracting job, meaning that he is away on an average four days of the week, completing full time hours. The days he is home, he packs it full with loving on his family and teaching the children. The evenings he is away we miss him terribly, but we are so thankful for a good job as he provides for our family. We are thankful for moible to mobile phone plans!!
Here are some recent pictures of our Christmas holiday. Blessings dear friends.